Listed among Ports of International Interest, the Port of Patras serves passenger and commercial traffic in Southern and Central Greece, positively contributing to the economic and social development of the region and the country through the years.
Port of Patras is included in the core network of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) as defined for period 2014-2050 in Decision 661/2010/EU (Directives for the development of TEN-T) and in COM (2011) 650/19 -10-2011 Draft Regulation regarding the Guidelines for the development of the TEN-T.
The port is managed by the entity “Patras Port Authority SA” (OLPA S.A.), by virtue of the concession agreement with the Greek State dated 12.12.2002, which has been ratified by law 4597/2019. The company focuses on strengthening the port’s leadership position among the ports of Western Greece, on its dynamic entry into the tourist market, as well as its expansion into new markets.
The company engages in new business activities to strengthen the port’s competitiveness and its contribution to integrated marine transport, encouraging and promoting environmental responsibility.
All shares representing 100% of the company’s share capital have been transferred to the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF) by virtue of the no. 222/05.11.2012 decision of the Interministerial Committee on Restructuring and Privatization (Government Gazette B’ 2996/2012). Pursuant to Article 159 of Law 4635/2019, the “Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund S.A.” (HRADF S.A.) acts as the Planning Authority responsible for the execution of the Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment Study (SEIA) consultation process for the company OLPA S.A.