The project “Renovate EPAS buildings to improve energy efficiency and spatial functionality and renewal – modernization of VET infrastructure (laboratories and equipment)” concerns the energy and functional upgrading of 37 buildings of the complexes that house Vocational Schools (VET) of DYPA. The energy efficiency renovations and measures shall comply with (i) at least a medium-depth level renovation as defined in Commission Recommendation on Building Renovation (EU) 2019/786, or (b) achieve, on average, at least a 30% reduction of direct and indirect GHG emissions compared to the ex-ante emissions.
The project will contribute to the achievement of the indicative national goal of energy efficiency. At the same time, due to the size, prestige and increased traffic of the complexes, the project will highlight the exemplary role of the public sector in the development of energy-saving projects.
The EPAS complexes were rebuilt in the 1970s and 1980s without any systematic and comprehensive maintenance or repair since then, operating with outdated energy systems and “tired” networks, which makes them particularly energy-intensive and, therefore, costly. Their surface varies from 3,500 to 14,700 m2, distributed in buildings of different numbers of floors, depending on the use (classrooms, laboratories, administrative or other areas).
Their renovation will contribute to saving energy and reducing CO2 emissions as it will include upgrading the thermal insulation of the shell, replacing the external frames, using energy from RES, replacing the electromechanical equipment and networks, and installing an energy management system.
At the same time, it aims to improve the education services provided by upgrading the operating conditions of the complexes, carrying out all the necessary damage restoration work, and including renovation works of the sanitary areas and event halls. Furthermore, it will include installing all the required systems and equipment to ensure fire protection and facilitate access and use by disabled persons.
The Project Preparation Facility (PPF) of the HRADF has undertaken to mature, carry out the tender process, and supervise the project’s implementation stage.
The project is implemented through the National Recovery and Sustainability Plan “Greece 2.0” framework with European Union funding – NextGenerationEU.